Christine possesses a unique gift with the ability to understand complex health cases from a holistic viewpoint. Her understanding of functional medicine enables her to unwrap the complexities of even the most chronic health issues.
Christine uses a pattern recognition method of clinical characteristics to work towards discovering the underlying driver for your symptoms and/or diagnosis. She takes a comprehensive investigatory approach that includes all aspects of your health including mainstream medicine tests, functional tests, your current and past health, diet, lifestyle, genetics, and mental and emotional states.
Her passion is her clinical practice where she inspires, educates and supports individuals and practitioners to reach their health and wellness goals no matter the diagnosis. Considered a Naturopath’s Naturopath, she is also a well regarded mentor encouraging other naturopaths to achieve business and clinical success.
Christine has completed extensive advanced university training and is a keynote speaker, wellness coach, author and educator.
As a child Christine read a book on how to cure various health issues by drinking fresh vegetable juices. This inspired her to resolve some of her own health issues using food as medicine. Her initial success led her to explore various health and wellness regimes systematically testing each method on herself. This wasn’t easy then as it is now for “health foods” were not readily available in rural Australia during the 1960s.
Christine’s early family life and confidence came to an end abruptly with two terrible car crashes. The first came six weeks after Christine got her driving licence when she smashed her car into a tree near home and was lucky to escape with shattered teeth and a broken nose. The second car crash resulted in the loss of her father and elder brother. The resulting grief was made worse by a lack of life, work, mortgage or vehicle insurance resulting a financial precarious position for the remaining members of the family.
In her late 20s, Christine became involved in a variety of business endeavours and began to burn the candle at both ends. Working and playing hard at the time was de rigeur but the fall out began to make an impact on her health, weight and energy. The result – an acute case of severe hepatitis leaving her unable to work. After the initial shock, she recalled how using food as medicine had helped resolve her childhood respiratory health issues and had also provided her with the vigour that initially supported her early work ethic and creativity. Christine returned to wellness principles and began refining various approaches to fit her individual genetic predisposition, health goals and diagnosis. Not only was the hepatitis resolved within weeks (much to the amazement of her doctor), Christine returned to work with more energy, inspiration and creativeness than ever before. And she continued to play hard as well. Social events now included organic diy cocktails as well as pre and post party preparation to protect and heal the liver and also weekend meditation retreats to balance the daily stress of a demanding work schedule. The added health benefits from her lifestyle support protocols helped Christine to develop “a creative edge” in her businesses and achieve success.
This early success as an entrepreneur (real estate development, hotel management, retail) allowed Christine in her 30s to take an extended sabbatical which led to full time studies in advanced ancient practices only taught to students under strict lifestyle guidelines – practices which are neither available in the West or to the general public. Not that she would recommend every aspect of these practices to all her clients. Waking up at 4.00 am and showering in freezing water, two hours of work before breakfast, cleaning bathroom tiles with a toothbrush, silence for 33 days, no writing, no reading, no eye contact are not practices Christine would suggest as being helpful to her patients but were certainly part of the yoga and meditation part of her life in India and Sweden. She would later travel around the globe to seek out and study other practices that support optimal speedy recovery as well as expand her knowledge into various herbal medicines and positive psychology.
The skills in meditation and yoga certainly came in handy on her return to Australia when Christine discovered both her mother and her best friend had developed cancer. She treated them both with various nutritional and herbal techniques as well as healing meditation tuition. Since then, medical experts around the world have acknowledged the positive benefits of meditation in surviving cancer. Unfortunately, cancer had not finished with Christine, and despite being extremely fit with a very healthy diet, her genetic make-up eventually came to the fore with a tumour in her own bowel.
Whilst focussing on chronic illness, cancer survival and private clinical therapy, Christine also became motivated to create a comprehensive yet simple to use program, “The Body Guard”, to enable her to improve not only her own and her clients’ health, but empower all individuals to work towards their own state of dynamic health and optimal well-being as a preventative to illness. As part of The Body Guard program, Christine uses nutritional medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, yoga, meditation, complimentary alternate medicinal therapies and many other techniques to reach her and her patients’ health and wellness goals.
In her personal life, Christine has overcome the early abrupt loss of her father and brother, the intrusion of cancer, the loss of two fortunes (walking away from one and the other through the GFC), and several unfulfilling relationships. She married for the first time the day before her 50th birthday (she made her own organic chocolate wedding cake), completed her Master of Wellness (RMIT), continues to develop her personal yoga and meditation practice, and has established her naturopathic clinic which was originally based in Noosa Heads, Sunshine Coast, Queensland and is now 100% online to allow her to see clients all over the world. Christine specializes in treating gut and mind disorders that cause anxiety and stress including OCD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Pyroluria amongst others.
- Master of Wellness, RMIT University, Australia
- Graduate Diploma of Wellness, RMIT University, Australia
- Graduate Certificate of Wellness, RMIT University, Australia
- Advanced Diploma Naturopathy, Australian College of Natural Therapies
- Advanced Diploma Herbal Medicine, Australian College of Natural Therapies
- Advanced Diploma Nutrition, Australian College of Natural Therapies
- Advanced Diploma Homeopathy, Australian College of Natural Therapies
- Graduate Scandinavian School of Yoga, Sweden
- Graduate Bihar Yoga Bharati University, India
- Graduate Satyananda Yoga Academy, Australia
2023 - Appointed as Adjunct Professional Fellow in the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine, Southern Cross University.
- Outstanding Naturopathic Graduate of the Year - ATMS, Sydney, Australia
Professional Association Memberships
- Australian Traditional Medicine Society (ATMS)
- Complementary Medicine Practitioner Associations Council (CMPAS)