Hi, I'm Christine Barnes, your Complex Case Wellness Specialist.
Through my extensive experience in Integrative & Functional Medicine and your commitment to being well again, we become partners in your health journey to restore wellness to your world.
I hold a Masters Degree in Wellness, and qualifications in Nutritional Medicine, Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy, and am an Adjunct Professional Fellow in the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University. Bringing my qualifications together with my passion for diagnostics, drives me to provide you with evidence based solutions for your complex health needs and to empower you to be fully informed when making decisions regarding your health.
I look forward to meeting you.
My clinic is a private medicine clinic and your treatment is tailored specifically for you.
Your health needs are individual to you and working with me means you receive an individually tailored treatment plan to address your specific health issues.
This is not your standard natural therapies clinic. I offer long term wellness solutions to ensure you are receiving the highest level of care possible and the best outcome for your health. I have created The Body Guard Health Enhancement System which is comprised of two options for working with me. Option 1 is a treatment plan designed for patients with complex health cases and Option 2 is an online wellness hub so you have access to quality health information and resources 24/7. Appointments with me are only available to patients as part of either your treatment plan or accessed via the wellness hub.
Option 1: For Complex Cases
For complex cases we work 1:1 together through your personalised My Body Guard Treatment Plan over a minimum of 12-18 months. Complex cases have evolved over time and it takes time to unravel them, treat and then plan for future wellness.
I am not trying to simply alleviate your symptoms; our aim is to bring you to a greater level of health and optimal wellness. As a general rule, the longer you have been experiencing your complaint, the longer you will require treatment.
I do not offer Band-Aid solutions, I offer long term wellness and that takes commitment from you and me. Due to the work involved with treating complex cases, I can only work with a limited number of patients at any one time.
It is important to remember that the natural healing process takes time and is a journey.
Option 2: For general health & wellness
If you are wanting to get started straight away you can opt to become a member of the Be Your Own Body Guard Wellness Hub where I offer low-cost access to high quality information, courses, ebooks and support for you to utilise when making decisions for your health and the health of your family.
Through the hub you can book ad-hoc appointments when you need a prescription for supplements or have an immediate issue that needs symptom relief. These appointments are not treatment appointments for long term complex cases.
All of my work is underpinned by my S.C.O.P.E. Protocol that I have used to restore wellness to the world of many 100's of clients with a myriad of conditions and symptoms.

At the very core of my clinic the aim is to support you and your family on the path to restoring wellness.
Whether through the My Body Guard long-term 1:1 program for complex cases, or via my low-cost Be Your Own Body Guard Wellness hub, my aim is to ensure you are provided with accurate, reliable, evidence based health information.

Through analysing test results, current health and lifestyle factors and your medical history I connect the dots between all areas of your health and work to uncover the root cause of your illness/es to ensure treatment is targeted and not simply providing symptom relief.

Through combining high quality nutritional supplements, revised food choices, physical activity and ensuring your emotional well-being is taken care of, we optimise your body's ability to function and heal.
Optimised health is holistic health - every aspect of your life needs to be taken into account.

Restoring wellness in complex health situations takes planning, strategy and long-term commitment to improving your health.
Together we will plan the steps to restore wellness to your world.

Empowering you to take control of your health through having open and honest dialogue between us, providing you with valid and factual information and working together towards your end goals.
I genuinely care about restoring your health and wellness.
If you have travelled from practitioner to practitioner trying to find the one that “gets it”, the practitioner that treats the whole person and not the disease, a practitioner who has the vision to work holistically, to find the root cause of illness, and then has the skills to lead you back to wellness, I can help you.
I bring together a mix of science, analytical thinking, extensive natural therapies qualifications and a determination to see beneath the surface and get to the very core of what is causing your illness.
My aim is for The Body Guard Clinic to be the go to clinic for patients who feel they have not yet been heard and who have not yet reached their health goals after years of trying.
A complex case is one that involves multiple, interrelated factors affecting your health. These conditions often persist over a long time and may include chronic illnesses, mental health issues, and lifestyle-related problems. Unlike simple, acute conditions that can be quickly treated, complex conditions require ongoing management and coordinated care to address the various aspects of your health involved. This approach ensures better overall well-being, a quicker path to wellness, saves you money, and prevents complications.
My patient testimonials speak volumes about the level of care and service I provide.
General Ill Health
"Christine is incredibly knowledgeable, very thorough and able to explain all my lab results to me that make sense."
- Carolyn Broomfield
"I commenced treatment with Christine in 2015 after becoming very dissatisfied and disillusioned with my wholistic GP whom I had been seeing for a number of years. I felt that my health was not improving one bit. After our initial consultation, Christine worked with me to help solve various problems, one by one. Her diagnosis and treatment have been thorough and accurate; even though we still have a little way to go, I know I would be in a much worse situation without her advice and support.
Christine has never been too busy to communicate with me; always positive and easy to open up to. I enjoy our appointments, learning more about my health and what is necessary to maintain a healthy enjoyable lifestyle. Christine is incredibly knowledgeable, very thorough and able to explain all my lab results to me that make sense. She has a non-judgmental, kind and empathetic heart. Appointments are always easy to schedule around my life. Christine also has helped with other members of my family and we feel grateful for her help and guidance that has improved our health and lifestyle.. I would absolutely recommend Christine and her team!" Carolyn Broomfield
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
"The results speak for themselves and I intend to continue with Christine’s protocol indefinitely."
- Donna Greenhalgh, Registered Nurse
"My son was 3 when he was diagnosed with the debilitating and incurable disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Immediately Christine was able to create a protocol of supplements that not only supported the selected pharmaceuticals but reduced their side effects.
My son is now 7 and doing well, he is still mobile and able to swim the length of a pool. Most would not be able to tell that he has DMD. He will always have it, but for now we are happy that he has not declined as many other DMD children of the same age are already in wheelchairs and have lost the ability to walk.
It's a lot of work, diet, tablets and tests, but all worth it to know that he has the best chance of high level wellness and functionality albeit with a serious diagnosis. His specialists and Drs are all very impressed with his progress. I believe that without the help of Christine, my son would not be doing as well as he is. The results speak for themselves and I intend to continue with Christine’s protocol indefinitely."
- Donna Greenhalgh, Registered Nurse and mum of two, Pacific Pines, Queensland, Australia
Gut Health
"I no longer feel like my issues are all in my head. I’m actually hopeful of feeling 100% healthy again"
- Sarah
I was referred to Christine by a friend. I had been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and it was clear that Western medicine could no longer help me. I’ve been living with gut problems for over six years after a terrible bout of food poisoning overseas.
These issues have impacted every facet of my life. Something as simple as travelling interstate for work or a long morning tram ride was incredibly stressful.
I’d already spent thousands (maybe more) of dollars on things that didn’t work for me: gut-directed hypnotherapy, a nutritionist, a naturopath, reiki, energy healing… I can’t even remember everything I’ve tried.
I began working with Christine in February 2021 and it is now August 2021. My symptoms have improved considerably and for the first time since having gut issues, I feel seen and heard.
I no longer feel like my issues are ‘all in my head.’ I don’t have a constant uneasiness in my stomach and I’ve been able to enjoy simple things like catching up with friends for lunch with minimal discomfort. I’m actually hopeful of feeling 100% healthy again – that means a lot to someone who was considering that maybe I’d have to live with these problems for the rest of my life.
Above all else, I love Christine’s holistic approach. She asks all the questions about my past and life that no other health professional has. Christine has made me realise that anxiety has been a significant factor in my life so far. This was a huge realisation that explains so much about my life to date.